Compaction grouting
Compaction grouting is a specialized technique for in-situ densification of compactable soft or loose soils. A stiff grout is extruded into a soil mass to form an expanding bulb. Maintaining a controllable bulb of grout is the essence of this technique.
Any soil capable of being mechanically compacted can be densified by compaction grouting. The extent and the intensity of soil densification depends on the injection point configurations, the depth of the injections, the grout mix, and the amount of grout injected. Compaction grouting is effective in most man-made fill, organic soil, sand, silt, peat, and most clays.
The improvement of soil strength can be demonstrated by the Cone Penetration Testing Method before and after compaction.
Compaction grouting is versatile: it lifts, levels, stabilizes, supports, fills, and densifies soil for new construction and existing structures, and it also reduces machinery vibration. Superior Grouting Services has completed hundreds of successful projects involving compaction grouting for:
- Building Sites - Site improvement for structural support and prevention of soil liquefaction
- Buildings & Structures - Settlement mitigation, foundation stabilization, controlled lifting
- Machinery Pads - Controlled lifting and leveling, stabilization, vibration reduction
- Tunneling - Surface settlement prevention, heading stabilization
- Drilled Piers - Increased end bearing, lifting of settled piers, skin friction development
- Pipelines - Lifting to grade without excavation, restoration of deformed pipes
- Tiebacks - Anchor development
Hundreds of jobs have established that compaction grouting is an effective and economical method of compacting soils.
Compaction grouting can provide an answer to the problem of differential settlement of structures. The versatility of the technique makes it the method of choice for soil densification in areas where access to the site with heavy equipment is difficult or where noise is a problem. Grout injection points can be angled to reach areas under a foundation that otherwise could not be reached.
Controlled Lifting
Compaction grouting can be used effectively for the controlled lifting of foundations, slabs, and other structures. Lifting takes place when the pressure at the bulb exceeds the weight of overburden, structures, and the shear strength of the soil cone above it. At that point, the soil shears, and the grout pressure lifts the soil and the structure built upon it.
By the careful use of this technique, entire structures can be lifted and leveled to precise specifications. Unlike other lifting or supporting techniques, compaction grouting supports structures and appurtenances on sound soil foundations.
Mitigation of Tunnel Settlement
Tunneling generally produces ground movements, which are manifested in the form of surface settlements or the loosening of adjacent soil and rock. Compaction grouting can be used for the prevention of surface settlement, for heading stabilization, and for remedial work in the adjacent soil.
Prevention of Soil Liquefaction
Compaction grouting can be effective in reducing or eliminating the liquefaction potential in earthquake-prone areas. For unimproved sites or for existing structures, the technique can be successfully employed to avoid soil liquefaction. For deep liquefiable soil layers, for inaccessible sites, or for sites where noise cannot be tolerated, compaction grouting is the primary choice for achieving soil densification without vibration or impact.
Materials & Equipment
Compaction grouting is accomplished by using a lean, thick grout mix of portland cement and silty sand. Natural sands with a range of 25 to 30% silts usually are used. The water content of the grout is adjusted to maintain a slump (ASTM C-143) of 1 to 1.5 in., with a maximum of 2 in.
Superior Grouting Services equipment, capable of achieving grouting pressures of up to 2000 psi, can be operated at distances several hundred feet from the injection site. Superior Grouting’s drilling equipment provides the capabilities of drilling in low overhead tight access work areas.
Superior Grouting Services
Superior Grouting Services has extensive experience in all types of pressure grouting for site development, new construction, and the stabilization of existing structures, ranging from large diameter product storage tanks and multi-story buildings to individual homes and buildings of all types. We work closely with owners, engineering firms, contractors, and public agencies throughout the Gulf Coast.
- Have a staff that includes engineers with extensive knowledge and experience in soils engineering
- Have a broad, in-depth grouting experience that extends over a period of more than 35 years
We know and understand your problems and welcome your inquiries.
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